I grew up on a small farm in northern Indiana near Southbend. Our family has a chicken farm with about 50000 birds for eggs. I worked in auto...
Driven aviator, consummate and quiet professional, well trained by the Army, and the type to do everything I can to provide solutions instead of just ...
Reliable & experienced pilot available for contract or full-time pilot-services, management services available to help you with your Gulfstre...
I hold an FAA Unrestricted ATP license and over 2000 flight hours out of which around 1700 in Multi-Engine Turbine airplane. I work at Flight Safety I...
I am seeking a full-time SIC position. I am currently working as a flight instructor, offering primary and instrument flight instruction and...
C. Phillip Alford 490 Comanche Dr. Rexburg, Idaho 83440 To Whom It May Concern, ...
My background is general aviation, commuter, corporate, thirty-eight years airline, and back to flying an Embraer EMB-550 Legacy 500 for a part 91 ope...
Professional aviator with over 25 years of civilian and military flying experience; Combat-proven military leader with instructor, evaluator,...
I am a 16 year aviation industry veteran with extensive aviation insurance claims handling experience. Looking to transition into flying on...
Commercial, Instrument, Multi-Engine Type Ratings: EMB-500 (Phenom 100), SD360 (Shorts 360) 3400TT, 1000 Multi, 400 Jet...
Retired January 31, 2019 from Delta Air Lines as A330 Captain. Hired December 07, 1978. 33,000 hours total time. 26,000 as PIC. No ac...
I am an experienced First Officer with demonstrated history of being trained and type rated in turboprop aircraft(Fokker 50 MTOW 20800)...
I am a 35 year Seasoned Pilot with extensive flying experience which includes, flight Instructing & ground school instructor at a part 141-flight scho...
I am a former US Navy E-2C/C-2A pilot and have been making my way back into the aviation world over the last year. The prospect of flying a...
1200 hour commercial instrument land, sea, and multi-engine pilot with tailwheel, high performance, and complex endorsements. More than 400 hours of 1...
Seeking F/O, SIC, right seat position in turboprop or turbine fixed wing aircraft....
As we descended out of 6,500 for pattern altitude I’ll never forget the stomach dropping sound of a piston engine sputtering, sputtering, sputte...
I've been in aviation since 1996. In 1998 I became the Chief Flight Instructor for the flight school I instructed for in KCRQ,...
Commercial Multi Engine Land-Instrument Commercial Single Engine Land-Instrument FAA First Class Medical: No Limitations FCC Restricted Radio...
Thank you for your time. I currently have Openings in my schedule for part time contract work. I am located in Ft Lauderdale, Fl and hold curr...
CFI and CFII Student with PPL/IR/CPL and a 4 year BS - Aeronautical Sciences from an AABI accredited 141 School. Professional attitude and w...
I am persistent, hardworking, and continually learning. I have been flying for over 12 years and am looking to step up to the turbines....