WE FERRY BOEING 737-500, 737NG and 737Max World Wide Good Day Always upbeat, positive and well trained and internationally experienced...
I grew up on a small farm in northern Indiana near Southbend. Our family has a chicken farm with about 50000 birds for eggs. I worked in auto...
Contract pilot CE510S, PC24, CE525S...
High performance is a way of life. Highly experienced and skilled in a wide variety of civilian flight operations from pre WW 2 trainers to mode...
I have over 4,000 hours and current in the CE-525. I am also the chief pilot and check airmen at a 135 operator. My primary aircraft flown is a CJ4 an...
Part 135 Captain experience, 135 Check Airman, Training Instructor Over 2 years of experience managing a flight training department consisting of 1...
I have been on the GV/G550 since 1999 with extensive international experience throughout the Middle East, Europe, The Americas, Asia and Afr...
Reliable & experienced pilot available for contract or full-time pilot-services, management services available to help you with your Gulfstre...
Dear Sir or Madam, I currently work for a private management company in Atlanta, GA as a captain on our part 91 Falcon 900EX, but am stri...
Contract pilot CE510S, PC24, CE525S...
Extensive Global Experience in Business Jet Flight Operations. Extensive Sea Plane Operations Alaska. 35 years experience all models ...
I fly light sport through turbine aircraft. My experience includes Cirrus SR22, SR22T, Piper, Cessna, Bonanza, Barron, Diamond DA 62, Cheyen...
30 years in global flight operations (private, corporate, cargo, and commercial). Proactive with effective communication, service culture, or...
Driven aviator, consummate and quiet professional, well trained by the Army, and the type to do everything I can to provide solutions instead of just ...
I am an international contract pilot with over 25 years of VIP and corporate flying experience. I’ve flown in over 70 countries and hold 9 ...
Considerable part 135, 91 and 121 experience. Dependable and very easy to get along with. Customer service driven. *Chief Pilot for...
Thorough knowledge of international operations, 23 years experience in corporate aviation, 15000 + hours. Over 23 years flying inter...
I am a 55 year old ex-Air Force, married, pilot flying contract on the Challenger 350 and PC12. I've flown internationally all of my flying career...
TT 6100 Twin Turbine - 4000+...
I live in Wilmington North Carolina I am a survey pilot flying Twin Otters DHC-6-300. I am looking to fly contract either full time or part time in th...
I grew up on a small farm in northern Indiana near Southbend. Our family has a chicken farm with about 50000 birds for eggs. I worked in auto...
A full time flight instructor at a sim center, teaching in Piper Premier Aircraft, (Malibu, Mirage, Meridian, M350, M500, M600) Former experienced par...
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Except for a few years flying for the USAF Reserve, I've always been a corporate pilot. I love automation, but nothing beats a skilled, highly tra...
Hello Flight Department. I have been involved in Aviation from childhood. I started with m...
Safe, efficient, and work well within a team. Highly adaptable and resourceful. Able and happy to travel worldwide. Bags are always packed, and I'...
I hold an FAA Unrestricted ATP license and over 2000 flight hours out of which around 1700 in Multi-Engine Turbine airplane. I work at Flight Safety I...
I have been flying private aircrafts for a little under a year now on a contract basis. This has been something for me to enjoy a side hustle but also...
My diversified experience on an International level has enabled me to work under very different and extreme conditions, which in return has given me t...
I am an ATP rated pilot with four type ratings, fresh 1st class medical, and current 61.58 check. I reside in the Tampa Bay area and am willing ...
Thirty years of experience. I am a passionate aviator and committed to professionalism and safety. First class medical easily obtained....