After my retirement from US Title 14 CFR Part 121 Worldwide Flight Operation as the Captain of the B767, I have been recruited by my former employer ABX Air, Inc. As the B767 Simulator Instructor position and responsible for the New hire of the B767 First Officer candidate's Basic Indoctrination, Initial and Recurrent Crew Resource Management and Leadership & Command & Mentoring training, Category II/III Initial and Recurrent, Initial and upgrade B767 systems, Hazardous Materials Initial and Recurrent, Deice/Anti-Ice Operations Initial and Recurrent Flight Personnel, and Captain's Ground School, Emergency Initial and Recurrent as Designated Ground School Instructor. Also a Designated Flight Instructor for FFS, FBS, and SIM training.
However, I have a strong desire to go back to actual flying as an Instructor and/or Captain.
To whom it may concerns,
Dedicated and experienced Pilot bringing forth the ability to fly air-crafts and perform all technical duties associated with flying at an expert level in the Worldwide Operation. Adept at monitoring the performance of safety systems and communicating with air traffic controllers at Worldwide Air Traffic Controlling Agencies. Able to effectively manage flight deck crews and multi-task to achieve flight success. Wholly committed to the safety and satisfaction of passengers and efficiency.
I welcome any invitation to discuss my new endeavor in all possible opportunities.
Sincerely yours
Tomoaki “Tom” Sato
ATR-42, ATR-72/A, B-767/A, B-757/A
RVSM Certified, Atlantic Crossing/Ops, Pacific Crossing/Ops, Middle East Ops, South American Ops, European Ops, African Ops, CPR Training