Name Withheld

Primary: Contract Pilot
Secondary: Corporate Pilot
Total Time: 10,401
Multi Engine Land: 9,505


Airline Transport Pilot
Airplane Multi Engine Land

Type Ratings

G150/A (Current and qualified in the G150)

Flight Time

10,401 hours
9,505 hours

Special Training

RVSM Certified, Atlantic Crossing/Ops, Pacific Crossing/Ops, South American Ops, European Ops, CPR Training

Aircraft Experience

Gulfstream G150
Daily Rate: 0 - 1,250
Total: 4,980 hours
PIC: 4,700 hours
SIC: 280 hours
Last Recurrent: 07/2024
Gulfstream G150
Total: 4,980 hours
PIC: 4,700 hours
SIC: 280 hours
Last Recurrent: 07/2024