Reliable & experienced pilot available for contract or full-time pilot-services, management services available to help you with your Gulfstream G200, Premier 1/1A, Citation CJ3+, M2, CJ3, CJ2+, CJ1+ and other CJ-series (PIC & mentor pilot) professional-pilot needs. G3000 & Proline21. Single pilot, high work load capable. First officers available for two-crew operations.
Over 20 years management experience as CP/DO. G200, Premier 1/1A, CJ-series experience includes single-pilot and dual-pilot charter, corporate and owner-mentor flights. Hot and high airports (ASE, EGE, TEX).
4,000hrs in the CJ Series. Experienced using the Garmin G3000 & 750, Collins ProLine 21/4/Fusion.
Rated & current as an instructor (CFII/MEI) for owner or new-captain mentor flights. Serve as pilot to meet newly type-rated supervised operating experience (25-hour S.O.E.) flight requirements.
Professional and detail oriented. Extensive flying in Mexico, Canada & Caribbean (eAPIS, Mexican eAPIS, CANPASS). Can be anywhere in the US in 24hrs.
CE-525S/A (M2, CJ3 & CJ3+ Trained), G-200/A, RA-390S/A
RVSM Certified, CPR Training